Starry Sky®


2025 season orders closed


We have a very limited supply of this rose, so we only allow one per household this season. Customers who place multiple orders of this rose will still only receive one, and the other orders placed this season will be cancelled and refunded.

NEW! The Sternenhimmel® rose is an adorable miniature or patio variety that appeals to humans and pollinators alike. The apple blossom-like blooms on this bush are small, single in petal count, clustered, and pinkish-white with bright stamens. Pointed buds open to a charming, flat form. This variety is very healthy and is a great choice for a pollinator garden. It is a bushy, compact grower, reaching between 1′-2′ in height and width, with small, semi-glossy, medium-green textured foliage. This variety has won awards for its disease resistance and standout form, including: Le Roeulx Gold Medal in 2020, the Baden-Baden Silver Medal in 2020, the Barecelona Sivler Medal in 2020, the ADR-Sorte in 2021, the Kortrijk/Courtrai Gold Medal in 2022, the Warsaw Gold Medal in 2023, the Orleans Silver Medal in 2023, the Gifu Bronze Medal in 2023, and the Belfast Best Miniature or Patio Rose in 2024.

For helpful rose care tips for the Sternenhimmel® rose, please visit our Rose Care page.


Other Names

KORhubkah, Sternenhimmel



Repeat Bloomer


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Bloom Size

Bloom Shape

Petal Count


Plant Form


Plant Height


Hardiness Zones

Sun Requirement




Le Roeulx Gold Medal 2020, Baden-Baden Silver Medal 2020, Barecelon 2020, ADR-Sorte 2021, Kortrijk/Courtrai Gold Medal 2022, Warsaw Gold Medal 2023, Orleans Silver Medal 2023, Gifu Bronze Medal 2023, Belfast Best Miniature or Patio Rose 2024


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Root Form


The heights & zones are guidelines only. Roses & fruit trees grow differently in different zones, and require proper winter protection accordingly.

Important Update for Our US Customers

The status of US import tariffs is constantly changing, with recent tariffs being rescheduled, imposed, lifted, and extended again. Please know for the roses shipping this spring 2025 – If the US government applies a tariff to our shipments, we will have to pass this cost along to our US customers. Thank you for being so understanding.