Looking for Palatine Fruit but you are not local?
We do not ship your fruit to individual homes – but here is a list of the fine families and farms from which you can obtain your Palatine Fruit:
- Amy and Patrick Kitchen with Sideroad Farm Store, 805092 Sideroad 25, RR3, Markdale, ON N0C1H0 c: 705.446.5503 www.sideroadfarm.com
- Brookfront Farm Store, 2053 Bridge St., New Dundee, 1.519.696.2637 www.brookfrontfarms.com
- Eat Local Muskoka, Colin Sober-Williams, Fenelon Falls, 705.380.6936 www.eatlocalmuskoka.ca
- Fruition in Guelph – Jackie Keenan – fruitionguelph@gmail.com – pre-orders only
- Ontario Fruit Lovers – Laurie LeMay – Locations: Major Mac, King City, Newmarket,
- Moondance Organics (Angus) and Barrie – 1.705.331.4594 or ontariofruitlovers@gmail.com
- Michael & Phyllis Freiesleben with TLC Animal Husbandry Inc – mpfruit2008@hotmail.com or 1.519.327.8060 – pre-ordered only
- Michael Smidt in Durham with locations at the Village Market in Thornhill and at the Toronto Farmers Market. All pick up at the farm must be pre-ordered.