At this time we do not ship cut roses.
You can find our cut roses here at our garden centre and fruit market in Niagara on the Lake from mid-June to mid-September.
Additionally larger volumes are sold through Ontario Flower Grower Auction in Mississauga. We sell under grower number 434.
Palatine Roses is the leading bare-root rose supplier in Ontario, servicing Canada and the United States for over a decade.
As of September 9, 2024 our garden centre is closed for the season. Visitors are welcome in fall and winter by appointment only.
Our garden centre will open for it’s last season April 11, 2025.
Please know that under CUSMA, roses shipped to the USA are currently tariff-free. However, with the new administration announcing a potential 25% tariff on Canadian goods, we may have to add these tariffs to your final invoice before shipping.