Rose Grades

Understanding  Rose Grades: Decoding the Hierarchy

Rose grades, established over 50 years ago by the American Association of Nurserymen and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), play a pivotal role in determining the quality of grafted, field-grown garden roses. This grading system categorizes roses into Grade 1, the largest plant with at least three strong canes; Grade 1.5, a smaller plant with at least two canes; and Grade 2, the smallest plant size. This sizing is different between rose classes. For instance, miniature roses will be graded with different sizing in mind than, let’s say, a climber.

At Palatine, we have only sold Grade 1 roses so far, but as of 01/16/24, we are offering #1.5 Grade roses after the Grade 1 roses sell out. All grade #1.5 roses will have a # 1.5 marked on their label; you will also note that the pricing reflects the smaller size. As a nursery, we aim to grow Grade 1 roses and do our very best to achieve that. So, you can only expect to find a Grade #1.5 in some cases, and only once the Grade #1 roses have been sold.

We stand behind the quality of all our roses regardless of the grade. Please trim your roses back when they are planted. In the case of #1.5 plants, it is especially important, as it will stimulate basal growth and produce well-shaped plants. So please cut them back to 4″ once planted (with the graft union appropriately deep, depending on your growing area).

Tariff notice

Please know that under USMCA, roses shipped to the USA are currently tariff-free. However, with the new administration announcing a potential 25% tariff on Canadian goods, we may have to add these tariffs to your final invoice before shipping.