Based in the heart of the Niagara Region, Palatine Fruit & Roses is perfectly situated for growing roses and fruit of exceptional quality. Come visit us, and see our farm for yourself.
You can also reach us by phone or fax:
Ph: 905-468 – 8627 | Fax: 905-468 – 8628
Palatine Roses is the leading bare-root rose supplier in Ontario, servicing Canada and the United States for over a decade.
As of September 9, 2024 our garden centre is closed for the season. Visitors are welcome in fall and winter by appointment only.
Our garden centre will open for it’s last season April 11, 2025.
The status of US import tariffs is constantly changing, with recent tariffs being rescheduled, imposed, lifted, and extended again. Please know for the roses shipping this spring 2025 – If the US government applies a tariff to our shipments, we will have to pass this cost along to our US customers. Thank you for being so understanding.